Real name:
Carlos Alberto Burlet.
His original name is Carlos Alberto Burlet. Born on August 20, 1946, proudly in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina; in a town called San Pedro, 170 km from the federal capital. His favorite team is IDEPENDIENT which is very fanatic.
Carlos Alberto tells us that before he started talking, he began to sing, because his father, to make him sleep, sang Luna, Lunera. He remembers with a smile that at the age of 7 or 8 he could not go out to the street to send an errand to his mother, because he always delayed, because at the corner pizzeria they invited him to sing and paid him pizza. As she was late, her mother left worried to look for him.
Proudly he says that his father Carlos and his mother Maruca, supported him as a child in singing and took him to whatever radio program there was, to see his idols.
Thus he grew up and at the age of 13 he formed his first group with friends from the neighborhood: "Los Búhos