Michael Learns To Rock aka MLTR (founded 1988) is one of the most successful Danish acts in Scandinavia and in Asia with more than 11 million album copies sold since 1991.
In year 2000 Søren Madsen decided to leave the group to pursue a solo career.
The current line-up consists of:
Jascha Richter (Vocals, Keyboards)
Mikkel Lentz (Guitar)
Kåre Wanscher (Drums)
Name Vars
- M.L.T.R.
- Michael Lea3derns To Rock
- Michael Learn To Rock
- Michael Lerns To Rock
- Micheal Learns To Rock
- Mighael Learns To Rock
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- Søren Madsen
- Kåre Wanscher
- Mikkel Lentz
- Jascha Richter