All releases under Wighnomy Brothers were created and produced by only.
is an electronic music DJ-duo from Jena, Germany, composed of (aka ) and (aka ). Active between 1997 and 2009, then took a break and reunited 2017 on several music festivals in Europe with extra special credit for .
Name Vars
- W.B.
- Whignomy Bros.
- Whignomy Brothers
- Wighnomy
- Wighnomy Bros
- Wighnomy Bros.
- Wighnomy-Brothers
- Wighnomys
- Wighomy Bros
- Wighomy Bros.
- Wighonomy Brothers
- Wignomy Bros
- Wiqhnomy Brothers
- DJ Gabor
- Machiste
- Robag Wruhme
- Gabor Schablitzki
- Rolf Oksen
- Themroc
- Die Dub Rolle
- Robaphex
- Marx Nordal
- Benno Plutrah