"Split 10" is a captivating album that showcases the talents of two distinct artists, Rob St John and Woodpigeon. The album features a total of five tracks, with each artist contributing two original songs and collaborating on one.
Rob St John's contributions to the album are haunting and introspective, with his signature blend of folk and experimental music. His songs "Sargasso Sea" and "Carrion" showcase his unique ability to create atmospheric soundscapes that transport the listener to another world.
Woodpigeon, on the other hand, brings a more upbeat and playful tone to the album. Their tracks "Red Rover, Red Rover" and "The Way To Happiness" are filled with catchy melodies and intricate instrumentation that will have listeners tapping their feet and humming along.
The collaboration between the two artists on "The Leaving" is a standout track on the album, with their contrasting styles blending seamlessly together to create a beautiful and emotive piece of music.