The Muzsikás Ensemble was founded in 1973 modelling the early village peasant ensembles, the "muzskás"-es (music-makers) and they reflect the same world of sound. They have learned authentic music-making from the presently existing village orchestras and musicians. On their first LP, Living Hungarian Folk Music 1, they perform tunes collected from several regions of Hungarian-speaking areas.
They were awarded the title "Young Masters of Folk Art" in 1974.
Name Vars
- Ensemble Muzsikás
- Ensemble «Muzsikás»
- L'ensemble Muzsikás
- Muszikas
- Muszikás
- Muzsikas
- Muzsikas Group
- Muzsikás Együttes
- Muzsikás Ensemble
- Muzsikás Folk Group
- Muzsikás Group
- Márta Sebestyén
- Kálmán Balogh
- Dániel Hamar
- Mihály Sipos
- Sándor Csoóri
- Péter Éri
- László Porteleki
- Zsuzsanne Vincze
- Antal Rácz
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