No Title is an album that showcases the talents of Helga Brauer, Julia Axen, and Werner Hass. The album features 12 tracks that blend together various genres, including jazz, blues, and classical music.
Each track on the album is a unique experience, with the trio showcasing their versatility and skill as musicians. The album opens with "Intro," a short and sweet track that sets the tone for the rest of the album. From there, the trio takes listeners on a musical journey, with each track telling its own story.
One standout track on the album is "Blue," which features Brauer's haunting vocals and Axen's impressive piano skills. The track is a beautiful showcase of the trio's ability to create a melancholic and emotional atmosphere through their music.
Another standout track is "Funky," which is a fun and upbeat number that showcases the trio's ability to create catchy and groovy tunes. The track is a great example of the trio's ability to blend together different genres and create something entirely unique.