Spanish musical duo. Known as "The Dynamic Boys" before they recorded first release "Little Darling" in 1959. Very popular in Spain and Latin America in the 1960s.
It is formed by and , singers, songwriters, record producers and actors. They were the main precursors of pop music in Spain.
They recorded their first EP in the fall of 1959 and the first stereo record in 1964 "Esos Ojitos Negros". For Vergara label they recorded under the name of "Manolo Y Ramón".
Inactive since 1972 to 1977. They often participated in the various music festivals that took place in Spain.
Name Vars
- D. Dinamico
- De La Calva Y Arcusa
- Duo Dinamico
- Duo Dinámico
- Dúo Dinámico Y Su Conjunto
- Dúo Dinámico y Todos Los Artistas
- El Dúo Dinámico
- Los Dinamicos
- Resistire
- The Duo Dinamico
- Manolo Y Ramón
- Magic Carpet
- Manuel De La Calva
- Ramón Arcusa