The Dudes, led by Danny Vacons iconic, scraggly beard and Pittsburgh Pirates cap, are the ultimate Calgary band: Their soul-inflected, punk-tinged indie rock has become synonymous with the city, even if theyve never received loads of recognition outside of the west. Active since the mid-90s, The Dudes remain the kings of the self-described Radtown (or Palgary, to some), and the distant relative of the van-fetishizing, Thin Lizzy-worshipping circles that have developed in the city - including Vacon sideproject HighKicks, Napalmpom, and Chron Goblin.
- Chris Vail
- Brady Kirchner
- Bob Quaschnick
- Dan Vacon
- Pat Downing
- Brock Geiger
- Scott Ross
- Matt Doherty
Find them in the yellow pages and ask them? xD