In March 1943, when the original Carter Family trio stopped recording together after their WBT-AM contract ended, Maybelle Carter formed "Maybelle Carter & the Carter Sisters" with her three daughters June, Helen and Anita. Maybelle's daughters had frequently appeared with The Carter Family on their radio broadcasts of the early 1940s.
The group was said to have been a mix of traditional songs of the original Carter Family with pop, gospel, and vaudeville comedy. Each daughter made her own contribution to the band.
Helen: vocals, guitar, and accordion
Anita: vocals, guitar, and bass fiddle
June: vocals, autoharp, guitar, banjo, piano, dance, and comedy (Although she could carry a tune, June struggled with pitch problems and soon began to focus more on her comedic addition to the group than her singing.)
Tthe group released its first record on February 2, 1949, produced in Atlanta, Georgia through RCA Victor records
- Anita Carter
- June Carter Cash
- Helen Carter
- Maybelle Carter