Danish dixieland jazz band lead by . The first incarnation of the band existed for more than 10 years from the late 50's to late 1970. After Ricardo's visit to New Orleans the band was dissolved over musical differences while recording what became . After finishing the album with a studio group, , some time in 1971 Ricardo formed a new incarnation of Ricardo's Jazzmen.
- Jørgen Wendorf
- Thorkild Møller
- John Kaas Ibsen
- Børge Ehler
- Alfred Lauridsen
- Jørn Thomsen
- Ole \"Fessor\" Lindgreen
- Valdemar Rasmussen
- Søren Kirk
- Hans Holbroe
- Henrik Simonsen
- Elith \"Nulle\" Nykjær
- Jens Nøhr
- Mogens Pedersen
- Niels \"Ricardo\" Hansen
- Steen Drost Nielsen
- Arne Birger
- Allan Iverssøn