La Grande Musique is an album by the French band Little Rabbits, which was released in 1996. The album is a mix of pop, rock, and electronic music, and is considered one of the band's best works.
The album has a playful and experimental sound, and the band's unique blend of different genres and styles makes for an interesting and engaging listen. The songs are catchy and energetic, with fast-paced rhythms and lively melodies that will keep you tapping your feet and singing along.
The lyrics are clever and witty, with a mix of French and English that adds to the album's international appeal. The band's playful and irreverent attitude shines through in the lyrics, which are full of humor, irony, and social commentary.
Matrix / Runout: Made in France by Universal M & L
Mastering SID Code: IFPI L003
Mould SID Code: IFPI 0283
Barcode: 7 31454 96702 4
Rights Society: SACEM / SDRM / SCAM / SACD
Matrix / Runout (CD Audio Variant 1): Made in France by Cinram Optical Discs 000 8175 00 1B
Matrix / Runout (CD Audio Variant 2): Made in France by Cinram Optical Discs 000 8175 00 1C
Mastering SID Code (CD Audio): IFPI L003
Mould SID Code (CD Audio Variant 1): IFPI 0279
Mould SID Code (CD Audio Variant 2): IFPI 0275
Matrix / Runout (CD Video Variant 1): Made in France by Cinram Optical Discs 549 609 2 1C
Matrix / Runout (CD Video Variant 2): Made in France by Cinram Optical Discs 549 609 2 00 1A
Mastering SID Code (CD Video): IFPI L004
Mould SID Code (CD Video Variant 1): IFPI 02A3
Mould SID Code (CD Video Variant 2): IFPI 0278
Barcode: 8428846000961
About The Little Rabbits
French indie rock band formed in La Gaubretière, Vendée in 1988 and disbanded officially 26 October 2005 in Nantes.
The band members would go on with backing as and then formed the group .
La Grande Musique is a great album that showcases Little Rabbits' talent for creating innovative and catchy music. If you're a fan of pop, rock, or electronic music, this album is definitely worth a listen.
Cette chanson est prodigieusement génialissimme, je me souviens l'avoir découverte sur le Mouv' à l'époque trèèèèèès trèèèès lointaine où c'était encore une excellente radio