Part-human part-meme, DJ Detweiler is an enigmatic character made of musical parody, cultural collage and a splendid collection of rare mp3s. As an artist he explores the limits of life online; from self-fulfilling prophecies, creating and destroying genres and ideas, to creative ways of copyright criticism. As a Dj works against anticipation and boredom in the dancefloor, breaking any rule established in the art of djing. As a label co-owner he takes an excited and unrestrained approach to his projects. More importantly, as an internet persona he has breathed childlike humour into an online world that is increasingly dark and cynical.
"a world where we cant have a flutedrop remix of John Cage is not one we want to live in"
- Ben Davis (Artnet) -
Name Vars
- D.J Detweiler
- DJ Detweiler
- Dj Detweiler